1.1.2 Flights On Airways (Area Control) Introduction Areas of responsibility for the control of flights on airways and the units providing this service are shown in ENR 2.1. Separation is based on:
Estimated and actual times over position reporting points; or
Reports of visual sighting; or
Surveillance identification; or
Distance reports.
Note: As position reports are most commonly used for separation, it is therefore important that any revision in estimates of 3 minutes or more, must be notified to ACCTUNIT;CODE_ID;35. Communications And Radio Navigation And Radiotelephony Requirements All aircraft operating under IFR or VFR within controlled airspace shall be equipped with appropriate communications and navigation equipment enabling them:
To maintain two-way communication with the appropriate ATC unit. The minimum requirement is VHF RTF equipment suitable for communicating on ATC frequencies.
To maintain track within the lateral limits of the airway and to navigate in accordance with ATC instructions. The minimum requirement is one radio compass. The pilot-in-command shall maintain continuous listening watch on appropriate ATC frequencies. The flight crew shall read back to the air traffic controller safety-related parts of ATC clearances and instructions which are transmitted by voice. The following items shall always be read back:
ATC route clearances;
Clearances and instructions to enter, land on, take off from, hold short of, cross and backtrack on any runway; and
Runway-in-use, altimeter setting, SSR codes, level instructions, heading and speed instructions. Other clearances or instructions, including conditional clearances, shall be read back or acknowledged in a manner to clearly indicate they have been understood and will be complied with. The air traffic controller shall listen to the read back to ascertain that the clearance or instruction has been correctly acknowledged by the flight crew and shall take immediate action to correct any discrepancies revealed by the read back. Voice read back of CPDLC messages shall not be required. Air Traffic Control Clearance The pilot-in-command shall obtain an air traffic control clearance prior to operating in a controlled airspace. An air traffic control clearance is an authorisation by ATC for an aircraft to proceed under specified conditions within controlled airspaces. If for any reason an air traffic control clearance is not acceptable to the pilot-in-command, he may request an alternative clearance. Request for Amended Clearance.
If the amended clearance is requested at a time a position report is made the information contained in that report shall be given on the assumption that the aircraft is proceeding in accordance with the current clearance, and not with that which is being requested. The contents of an air traffic control clearance or any revisions thereto shall apply only to those portions of the flight conducted within controlled airspace. An air traffic control clearance may be issued direct to an aircraft by an ACC or through an aerodrome control unit or an air-ground HF RTF communications unit. Phrases used in air traffic control clearances will have the following meanings:
"Clearance expires at........ (time)". If the aircraft is not airborne by the time stated, the clearance will be automatically cancelled and a fresh clearance shall be obtained.
"Depart not before........ (time)". An aircraft will not be cleared for departure until the time specified.
"Unable to approve........ (flight planned level)". When ATC is unable to approve the flight planned level, an alternative level will be offered whenever possible, to avoid or reduce delay. A pilot-in-command operating under VFR in controlled airspace shall not enter instrument meteorological conditions without first obtaining an ATC clearance in accordance with the procedure laid down for flights joining airways. Until such clearance is received, the aircraft must remain in VMC. Aircraft on flight plan specifying that the first portion of the flight will be subject to air traffic control, and that the subsequent portion will be uncontrolled, shall normally be cleared to the point at which the controlled flight terminates. If an ATC clearance stipulates VMC climb or descent and it becomes evident to the pilot-in-command that VMC cannot be maintained, he shall hold in VMC and request an alternative clearance. The pilot-in-command having acknowledged an air traffic control clearance shall not deviate from the provisions of the clearance unless an amended clearance has been obtained. ENR 1.6 provides guidance to pilot-in-command compelled to deviate from the provisions of an air traffic control clearance because of communications failure. A flight shall normally be cleared to the aerodrome of first intended landing, the point of leaving controlled airspace or in the case of a flight where prior coordination with an adjacent unit cannot be established, the FIR boundary. This is known as the clearance limit. When an aircraft is cleared to an intermediate point en-route and further ATC clearance is required, this will, wherever possible be issued at least 5 minutes before the aircraft arrives at the clearance limit, unless the pilot-in-command is instructed to hold over the intermediate point until a specified time. In the event of an aircraft arriving at the clearance limit without having received a further clearance, the pilot-in-command shall immediately request a further clearance and hold in accordance with the specified holding pattern where one is established or otherwise the standard holding pattern maintaining the last assigned cruising level until further clearance is received. Where no direct ATS coordination facilities between Regional Area Control Centres exist, pilots on such routes must endeavour, when airborne, to contact the Area Control Centre of the next FIR which the aircraft is entering and obtain clearance to enter its Control Area before reaching the transfer point of the two ACCs. When a flight operates successively in a controlled area and subsequently along an advisory route or area, the clearance issued for the flight or any revisions thereto will only apply to those portions of the flight conducted within controlled airspaces. A time check shall be obtained prior to operating a controlled flight and at such other times during the flight as may be necessary.
Note: Such time check is normally obtained from an air traffic services unit unless other arrangements have been made by the operator or by the appropriate ATS authority. Wherever time is utilized in the application of data link communications, it shall be accurate to within 1 second of UTC.
Acrobatic Flight No aircraft shall be flown acrobatically except under conditions prescribed by the appropriate authority and as indicated by relevant information, advice and/or clearance from the appropriate air traffic services unit.
Formation Flights Aircraft shall not be flown in formation except by prearrangement taking part in the flight and, for formation flight in controlled airspace, in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority (ies). These conditions shall include the following:
the formation operates as a single aircraft with regard to navigation and position reporting;
separation between aircraft in the flight shall be the responsibility of the flight leader and the pilots-in -command of the other aircraft in the flight and shall include periods of transition when aircraft are manoeuvring to attain their own separation within the formation and during join-up and break-away; and
a distance not exceeding 1 km (0.5 NM) laterally and longitudinally and 30 m (100 FT) vertically from the flight leader shall be maintained by each aircraft. Route And Level Assignment The pilot-in-command shall fly in strict accordance to the route specified by ATC. Deviation from the specified route may be permitted by ATC if traffic conditions permit. Traffic permitting, ATC will assign the flight planned level in accordance with the table of semi-circular system of Cruising Levels. Cruising levels below the minimum specified in ENR 3.1 will not be assigned. Cruise climb techniques are not permitted on all routes within the Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu FIRs. Stepped climb cruising techniques by jet aircraft will be approved whenever possible. Essential Traffic Information Essential traffic is that controlled traffic to which the provision of separation by ATC is applicable but, which in relation to a particular controlled traffic, does not have the required minimum separation. Essential traffic information shall be issued to controlled flights concerned whenever they constitute essential traffic to each other.
Note: This information will normally relate to controlled flights which are cleared subject to maintaining own separation and remaining in visual meteorological conditions. Essential traffic information shall include:
Direction of flight of aircraft concerned;
Type of aircraft concerned;
Level(s) of aircraft concerned and estimated time of passing or if this not available, the estimated time of arrival for the reporting point nearest to where the level will be crossed. Departure Instructions ATC may specify any or all of the following items when issuing clearance to departing aircraft:
turn after take-off;
track to make good before turning on to desire heading;
level(s) to maintain before continuing to climb to assigned level; and
time or point at which altitude changes shall be made. ATC may instruct a departing aircraft to leave a reporting point at a specified time or to be at a specified level at a specified point or time. The pilot-in-command shall notify ATC if these instructions cannot be complied with. To expedite departure, ATC may require a succeeding aircraft to do a 'step-up' climb beneath the altitude or level of preceding aircraft, maintaining at least 1000 or 2000 FT vertical separation, as applicable. Approach Instructions ATC clearance or control instructions for approach to an aerodrome or holding point will be issued to an arriving aircraft on initial contact with the appropriate ATC unit. The clearance will specify the clearance limit, route and level to be flown. An Expected Approach Time will be included if it is anticipated that the arriving aircraft will be required to hold. An arriving IFR flight shall not be cleared for an initial approach below the appropriate minimum altitude unless:
the pilot has reported passing an appropriate point defined by a radio aid; or
the pilot reports that he has and can maintain the aerodrome in sight; or
the aircraft is conducting a visual approach; or
the aircraft's position has been positively determined by the use of radar. Visual Approach An IFR flight may be cleared to execute a visual approach provided that the pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain and:
the reported ceiling is at or above the approved initial approach level for the aircraft so cleared; or
the pilot reports at the initial approach level or at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the meteorological conditions are such that, with reasonable assurance, a visual approach and landing can be accomplished. Separation shall be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute visual approach and other arriving and departing aircraft. When the pilot of an IFR flight reports that he has and can maintain the aerodrome in sight, the flight may be cleared for visual approach provided the conditions of para are met. Weather Information Weather information shall be passed to inbound aircraft on request or when conditions fall below the following:
Scattered cloud at or below 1500 FT; or
Visibility 5 km or less. Weather deterioration and improvement reports and significant weather information, e.g. severe turbulence, thunderstorms, icing conditions etc. will be passed to all aircraft concerned. Aircraft Joining Or Crossing Airways Pilot-in-command of aircraft joining or crossing an airway will:
When flying under VFR outside the Terminal Areas and CTRs, notify the appropriate authority; or
When flying under IFR, or when joining or crossing the Terminal Areas and CTRs, request clearance from the appropriate authority not latter than 10 minutes on VHF RTF or 20 minutes on HF RTF before joining or crossing. An in-flight request or notification of intention to join an Airway shall include the following information, as appropriate:
Aircraft Identification;
Aircraft Type;
Position and heading;
Level and flight conditions;
Estimated time at point of joining;
Desired level;
Point of departure, route and point of first intended landing;
True airspeed;
The words 'Request joining clearance'. An in-flight request or notification of intention to cross an Airway shall include the following information:
Aircraft Identification;
Aircraft type;
True track or position and heading;
Place and estimated time of crossing;
Desired crossing level;
Ground speed;
The words 'Request crossing clearance'. VFR Flight Crossing Airways VFR flights intending to cross Airways below FL 150 outside the Terminal Areas/CTRs shall only cross them at various levels plus 500 ft at an angle of 90° to the direction of the Airway/CTRs, or as close as possible to this angle. In an emergency, where neither a radar nor a procedural crossing can be obtained, an Airway may be crossed at various levels plus 500 ft. The various levels referred to are flight levels of whole thousands in feet. Temporary Danger Areas On Airways Military operations, both air and ground frequently take place within the Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 and Kota Kinabalu FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;361. Danger areas will be promulgated by NOTAM, giving the reference point, vertical extent, radius and duration of the operation. Where danger areas infringe controlled airspace, the areas will not be available for use by civil aircraft at the levels affected. IFR Flights Outside Terminal Areas And CTRs In VMC The pilot-in-command operating under IFR outside the Terminal Areas/CTRs at or below FL 150 may request a VFR clearance for any portion of the flight. In the absence of such a request, ATC will issue a full IFR clearance regardless of weather conditions. Outside the Terminal Areas/CTRs when necessary to expedite traffic, ATC may request a pilot-in-command operating under IFR at or below FL 150 to conduct portion of the flight under VFR. An alternative clearance will be issued if the pilot-in-command has any doubt as to his ability to maintain VFR. VFR flights shall NOT be operated:
between sunset and sunrise in all airspace;
by day above FL 150 in all controlled airspace;
by day above FL 250 in uncontrolled airspace. Aerodromes Located Below Airways - Special Requirements Airways traffic using aerodromes located beneath an airway shall call Aerodrome Control when within VHF range and, after obtaining all necessary information, shall contact the ACC for descent clearance, leaving the airway as instructed. On leaving the airway, or when clear of other airways traffic, the aircraft will be transferred to aerodrome control for further instructions. Upon request the aircraft will be cleared to remain on the airway and commence descent from the Navaid serving the destination airfield. Aircraft departing from an unmanned aerodrome beneath an airway shall obtain an air traffic clearance by notifying the ACC of ETD, route and desired level as early as possible. If the clearance is not received when ready for departure, the pilot-in-command may take off but shall repeat his request and shall maintain VFR outside the airways and obtain ATC clearance prior to entering airways. Kuala Lumpur Terminal Area And Control Zone - Special Requirements All flights, IFR or VFR, conducted within the Kuala Lumpur Terminal Area/Control Zone are subject to an Air Traffic Control Clearance. Lumpur Radar performs Area Control functions, and Approach Control functions for all aircraft arriving or departing from KL International / SepangTAD_HP;TXT_NAME;1 or Subang/Sultan Abdul Aziz ShahTAD_HP;TXT_NAME;21. Traffic will be released according to traffic circumstances to the respective Towers (Lumpur or Subang), at the time, level or place specified by Lumpur RadarTSERVICE;TXT_NAME;766. SIDs and STARs will be issued for departing and arriving aircraft, as appropriate, in accordance with ENR 1.5. All aircraft operating under IFR or VFR will call the appropriate authority not later than 10 minutes on VHF RTF or 20 minutes on HF RTF before joining or crossing the Lumpur Terminal Area/Control Zone. VFR routes and Access Corridors.
VFR routes and Access corridors have been established to permit flights to and from the Lumpur Control Zone without entering the overlying Terminal Control Area (TMA). The vertical limits provide separation from overlying control or restricted areas. When using these lanes, pilots shall:
Operate under VFR;
Conform with the rules regarding terrain clearance, and minimum heights over congested areas of cities, towns or settlements, or over an open air assembly of persons.
Operate not higher than the altitude specified for use in the VFR route unless with ATC approval. Reporting Of Open Burning During flight if open burning were spotted within Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu FIRS. Pilots are requested to notify the Authority (CAAM) of the location (LAT and LONG) as soon as possible via RTF or Inform the CAAM control tower upon Landing.
1.1.3 Air Traffic Advisory Service Introduction Air Traffic Advisory service is provided in areas or airspace where it is desirable to make information on collision hazards more effective than FIS provides, but facilities for the introduction of positive control are inadequate, or positive control cannot be applied for some reason; for example, inability to resolve airspace utilisation problems with other authorities concerned.
Note: Air Traffic Advisory Service is normally implemented as a temporary measure pending the implementation of positive control. In addition to the provision of information on known traffic, Advisory Service offers suggestions and advice to assist the pilot-in-command to avoid collision with other aircraft. Generally, procedures in advisory areas or airspace are similar to those in control areas. Air Traffic Advisory Service does not provide for terrain clearance since this is the responsibility of the pilot-in-command. There is no obligation on the part of a pilot-in-command to make use of this service and it does not therefore afford the same degree of safety and cannot assume the same responsibilities as air traffic control service since there may be unknown or unreported traffic operating in the advisory area or airspace. The words 'Advise' or 'Suggest' will be used in advisory messages passed to the pilot-in-command by ATC. The pilot-in-command shall then indicate whether he intends to comply with the advice or suggestion. A flight in an advisory area or airspace will not be subject to an air traffic clearance, but any changes in flight plan or flight progress should be notified to ATC. Procedures In electing to use the air traffic advisory service within the specified advisory areas and airspace, the pilot-in-command shall comply with the procedures applicable to flights within controlled airspace. Requirements for the submission of a flight plan prior to departure or in flight are similar to those for flights in controlled airspace. Traffic intending to cross an advisory area or airspace should request the permission of ATC. If unable to effect direct contact, notification should be relayed by another unit. In crossing the advisory area or airspace the pilot-in-command should, in so far as is possible, select a point associated with a radio facility to assist accurate navigation; and should cross as nearly as possible at right angle to minimize the time spent in the advisory area or airspace and at a level, appropriate to its track selected from the table of quadrantal cruising levels for use by flights operating outside controlled airspace. If operating IFR in an advisory area or airspace but not electing to use the air traffic advisory service, the pilot-in-command should maintain a listening watch on the appropriate frequency and notify ATC of:
Position, true airspeed, cruising level and route, at hourly intervals; and
Any intended change in route or cruising levels. The clearance limit of a flight will be the point at which the aircraft leaves the advisory area or airspace. Where the destination airfield is situated on an advisory area or airspace in the Kuala Lumpur or Kota Kinabalu FIRs the clearance limit will be the destination airfield. Traffic Information Broadcast By Aircraft (TIBA) and Related Operating Procedures Within Class G Airspace in Kota Kinabalu FIR.
TIBA Frequency For Kota Kinabalu FIS, the VHF RTF frequency 133.3TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;128MHzTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;128 is designated as TIBA frequency to be used for broadcasts. For Kuching FIS, the VHF RTF frequency 134.75TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;909MHzTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;909 is designated as TIBA frequency to be used for broadcasts.
Where VHF is used for air-ground communications with ATS and an aircraft has only two serviceable VHF sets,one should be tuned to the appropriate ATS frequency and the other to the TIBA frequency
Listening Watch A listening watch shall be maintained on the TIBA frequency 3 minutes before entering class G airspace until leaving this airspace. For an aircraft taking off from any location within class G airspace, listening watch shall start as soon as appropriate before take-off and be maintained until leaving the airspace.
Time of Broadcast A broadcast shall be made:
3 minutes before take-off for an aircraft taking off from any location within Class G airspace;
3 minutes before entering class G airspace;
3 minutes prior to crossing any non-ATC manned aerodrome;
3 minutes before a change in flight level;
at the time of a change in flight level;
as soon as practicable after take-off; and
at any other time considered necessary by the pilot.
Forms of Broadcast The broadcasts other than those indicating changes in flight level, should be in the following form:
ALL STATIONS (necessary to identify a traffic information broadcast)
FROM (position) TO (position)
POSITION (position**) AT (time)
* For the broadcast in the case of an aircraft taking off from an aerodrome located within the Class G airspace
** For broadcasts made when the aircraft is not near a prominent location, the position should be given as accurately as possible and in any case to the nearest 30 minutes of latitude and longitude. Before a change in flight level, the broadcast should be in the following form:
FROM (position) TO (position)
AT (position and time) Except as provided as, the broadcast at the time of a change in flight level should be in the following form:
FROM (position) TO (position)
followed by:
MAINTAINING ALTITUDE/FLIGHT LEVEL (number) Broadcasts reporting a temporary flight level change to avoid an imminent collision risk should be in the following form:
followed as soon as practicable by:
Acknowledgement Of The Broadcasts. The broadcasts should not be acknowledged unless a potential collision risk is perceived. RELATED OPERATING PROCEDURES Changes of Cruising Level Cruising level changes should not be made within the Class G airspace, unless considered necessary by pilots to avoid traffic conflicts, for weather avoidance or for other valid operational reasons. When cruising level changes are unavoidable, all available aircraft lighting which would improve the visual detection of the aircraft should be displayed while changing levels. Collision Avoidance If, on receipt of a traffic information broadcast from another aircraft, a pilot decides that immediate action is necessary to avoid an imminent collision risk, and this cannot be achieved in accordance with the right-of-way provisions of Annex 2, the pilot should:
unless an alternative manoeuvre appears more appropriate, immediately descend or climb 500FT;
display all available aircraft lighting which improve the visual detection of the aircraft;
as soon as possible, reply to the broadcast advising action being taken;
notify the action taken on the appropriate ATS frequency; and
as soon as practicable, resume normal flight level, notifying the action on the appropriate ATS frequency. Normal Position Reporting Procedures Normal Position reporting procedures should be continued at all times, regardless of any action taken to initiate or acknowledge a traffic information broadcast.
1.1.5 Aerodrome / Approach Control Service Introduction Aerodrome/Approach Control issue air traffic control clearances, instructions and information to aircraft to ensure the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic. In VMC, all aircraft flying in a Control Zone (CTR), Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ) and all traffic on the manoeuvring area of the aerodrome (with the exception of the marshalling area) come under Aerodrome Control. This does not, however, relieve the pilot-in-command from the responsibility for avoiding collision. In IMC, control of traffic on the runway in use and in the air is shared between Aerodrome Control and Approach Control. Normally, departing aircraft are transferred to Approach Control when air-borne, whilst arriving aircraft are transferred to Aerodrome Control when properly sequenced for approach to land. The actual point of transfer depends on traffic conditions and is arranged between the two units accordingly. Control of traffic on other parts of the manoeuvring area, with the exception of the marshalling area, is the responsibility of Aerodrome Control. CTR dimensions and controlling authorities are specified in Aerodrome (AD section). Procedures Holding, flow management instrument approach, arrival and departure procedures are specified in ENR 1.5. Radio communication shall be established with the appropriate Aerodrome/Approach Control Unit:
Prior to pushback or engine start;
Prior to taxiing for departure; or
When intending to operate in a CTR or CTA. For IFR or VFR operations in a CTR, aircraft shall be equipped with appropriate two-way VHF radio apparatus, plus a radio compass. Exemptions may be granted by the appropriate Controlling Authority. Aircraft shall call aerodrome/approach control on VHF approximately 10 minutes before ETA at the Zone boundary (or 20 minutes, where communications are on HF RTF). A pilot-in-command under IFR or VFR about to enter, cross or operate within a CTR shall:
Notify aerodrome/approach control on the appropriate radio frequency of the aircraft's position, level and track;
Estimate time of crossing the zone boundary;
Maintain a continuous listening watch of that frequency while the aircraft is within the zone;
Navigation in accordance with the flight plan and ATC clearance;
Carry out instructions received from aerodrome/approach control. All flights within a Control Zone, between sunset and sunrise or in IMC, shall be conducted in accordance with IFR or special authorisation by ATC. However at any time, in order to expedite traffic, ATC may authorise IFR flights to execute visual approaches if the pilot can maintain visual reference to the terrain and:
The reported cloud ceiling is at or above the approved initial approach level for the aircraft so cleared; or
The pilot reports at the initial approach level or at any time during the instrument approach procedure that the meteorological conditions are such that a visual approach and landing can be accomplished with reasonable assurance. VFR flights without radio may be specially authorised by ATC and without radio, may be permitted in a CTR under special circumstances, subject to traffic permitting. In this case, permission shall be obtained before departure and the flight shall be conducted in strict accordance with such conditions as may be specified. VFR flights within a CTR may be specially authorised by ATC when weather conditions fall below the minima for VFR flights. Such flights when so authorised, shall be flown clear of cloud and in sight of the ground or water. Separation shall be effected between all specially authorised flights and between such flights and all IFR flights. Separation Standards Vertical or horizontal separation shall be provided between:
all aircraft operating in Class A and B airspace;
IFR flights in Class C airspace;
IFR flights and VFR flights in Class C airspace;
IFR flights and special VFR flights;
Special VFR flights. Wake Turbulence separation standards will be applied as follows:
(note 1) | (note 1) | TIME | TIME | TIME | TIME | TIME | DISTANCE (note 2) |
HEAVY | HEAVY MEDIUM LIGHT | - 2 2 | - 3 3 | - 2 3 | - 2 2 | - 2 2 | 4 5 6 |
MEDIUM | HEAVY MEDIUM LIGHT | - - 2 | - - 3 | - - 3 | - - 2 | - - 2 | - - 5 |
Note 1. For the application of wake turbulence separation, aircraft are grouped into three categories, as follows:
HEAVY - aircraft types of 136,000kg or more:
MEDIUM - aircraft types less than 136,000kg but more than 7,000kg; and
LIGHT - aircraft types of 7,000kg or less.
Note 2. The minimum radar standard or the applicable wake turbulence standard, which ever is the greater, will be applied. Pilots-in-command of departing aircraft may choose to commence take-off without the applicable wake turbulence standard being applied. In this event the following conditions shall apply:
The pilot-in-command shall expressly initiate the request for waiver.
Waiver on the wake turbulence standard shall apply in VMC by day.
The waiver shall not apply to a LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft taking off behind a HEAVY aircraft take-off, if the take-off by the LIGHT or MEDIUM aircraft is commenced from a point more than 150 metres along the runway in the direction of take-off, from the commencement point of the HEAVY aircraft take-off. When a pilot-in-command accepts responsibility for wake turbulence separation from another aircraft, the pilot acknowledges that air traffic control will no longer be responsible for the application of wake turbulence separation standards to that specific flight operation. Visual Circuit Reporting Procedure The pilot-in-command shall report position in accordance with the diagram above.
Aircraft shall report 'Downwind' abeam the upwind of the runway.
Base Leg
Aircraft shall report 'Base Leg' on completion of the turn on to the base leg.
Aircraft shall report 'Final' after completion of the turn on to final approach, not more than 4 NM from the approach end of the runway.
Aircraft flying a straight-in approach shall report ‘Long Final' 8 NM from the approach end of the runway, and 'Final' when at 4 NM.
Note: At grass aerodromes, the area to be used for landing is regarded as the runway for the purpose of reporting position in the circuit. Use Of Runway The Aerodrome/Approach Controller will nominate the runway direction according to prevailing conditions. Notwithstanding the runway direction nominated by ATC, the pilot-in-command shall ensure that there is sufficient length of run and that the crosswind or downwind component is within the operational limits of each particular operation. If the nominated runway direction is not suitable for these reasons or for any other safety reason, he may request for an alternative runway direction. ATC will grant the use of an alternative runway direction but the flight may be subject to delay because of other traffic. The decision to undertake a take-off or a landing on a water affected runway or when the presence of birds has been advised, rests solely with the pilot-in-command. Unless prior permission has been obtained from ATC, the pilot-in-command of an aircraft which has been cleared for take-off' shall not hold on the runway-in-use. During daylight hours, in VMC, an aircraft may be cleared to continue approach to a runway occupied by a preceding aircraft but clearance to land will not be given until the runway is vacated. Notwithstanding para, at
KL International / SepangTAD_HP;TXT_NAME;1 or
Subang/Sultan Abdul Aziz ShahTAD_HP;TXT_NAME;21, succeeding aircraft may be cleared to land on the runway in use if the types are such that no hazard exists and if the pilot-in-command of the No. 2 aircraft advises that he can maintain adequate separation in the air and on the runway, from the preceeding aircraft.
Note: The difference is justified by the length of runway available at KL International / SepangTAD_HP;TXT_NAME;1, Subang/Sultan Abdul Aziz ShahTAD_HP;TXT_NAME;21. It is applied to permit light aircraft to land when the runway is occupied by a preceeding heavy aircraft, adequately displaced down the runway. The pilot of succeeding aircraft should however, be made aware of turbulence in the wake of the preceeding aircraft. Closure Of Aerodromes Aircraft will not be refused permission to land or take-off from airfields in the Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 and Kota Kinabalu FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;361 solely because of adverse weather conditions. The pilot-in-command of public transport aircraft shall be responsible for operations in accordance with applicable company weather minima. Aerodromes will be closed:
When the surface of the landing area is unfit e.g. soft surface or dangerous obstruction on the manoeuvring area; or
At such other times and in conditions specified by NOTAM. In an emergency an aircraft will be permitted to land regardless of the conditions of the aerodrome or aerodrome facilities, but the pilot will be advised of these conditions. Air Traffic Control Clearances All flights within a CTR, irrespective of weather conditions require an air traffic control clearance. The pilot-in-command of an aircraft departing from a CTR shall obtain an air traffic control clearance prior to departure. A clearance to enter or cross a CTR will include the following information:
A clearance limit and holding instructions, if necessary;
The route to be flown; and
The altitude or flight level. Air Traffic Control Service Whenever an aircraft has requested a clearance involving priority, a report explaining the necessity for such priority shall be submitted, if requested by the appropriate air traffic control unit. Potential Reclearance in Flight If prior to departure it is anticipated that depending on fuel endurance and subject to reclearance in flight, a decision may be taken to proceed to a revised destination aerodrome, the appropriate air traffic control units shall be so notified by the insertion in the flight plan of information concerning the revised route (where known) and the revised destination.
Note: The intent of this provision is to facilitate a reclearance to a revised destination, normally beyond the field destination aerodrome. Overtaking An overtaking aircraft is an aircraft that approaches another from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter, i.e. is in such a position with reference to the other aircraft that at night it should be unable to see either of the aircraft's left (port) or right (starboard) navigation lights. An aircraft that is being overtaken has the right-of-way and the overtaking aircraft, whether climbing, descending or in horizontal flight, shall keep out of the way of the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right, and no subsequent change in the relative positions of the two aircraft shall absolve the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear. Suspension Of VFR Flights VFR flights shall not be permitted to take-off or land at an aerodrome within a control zone or enter the traffic pattern.
When the reported cloud ceiling is below 1,500 FT; or
When the ground visibility is less than 5 KM. Start-Up Procedures For all IFR aircraft operating at the airfields within Control Zones at which Aerodrome Control Services and/or Surface Movement Control Services are provided, prescribed procedures below shall apply:
Obtain ATC clearance from Surface Movement Control frequency/Clearance Delivery frequency prior to starting engines;
On receipt of ATC clearance, obtain clearance for start up and/or push back clearance from Surface Movement Control frequency within 5 minutes;
Obtain taxi instructions and maintain a listening watch on the prescribed Surface Movement Control frequency while taxiing;
Change to Aerodrome Control frequency when instructed. ATC clearances for VFR departures may be obtained prior to aircraft commencing taxi. At KL International / Sepang, the following procedure shall apply.
The pilot-in-command shall:
obtain ATC clearance from Lumpur Delivery for KL International / Sepang
on receipt of ATC clearance, contact Lumpur Ground for start-up and/or push-back clearance at TSAT -/+ 5 minutes.
follow the procedures in accordance with paragraph sub para (c) onwards At Subang/Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, the following procedure shall apply.
The pilot-in-command shall:
obtain ATC clearance from Subang Ground for Subang/Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah.
on receipt of ATC clearance, contact Subang Ground for start-up and/or push-back clearance within 5 minutes,
follow the procedures in accordance with paragraph sub para (c) onwards Taxiing A pilot-in-command shall obtain clearance to taxi before leaving the parking area.
Note: Taxi clearance will relate to movement on the manoeuvring area, but excluding the marshalling area. Aircraft taxying on the manoeuvring area will be regulated by ATC to avoid or reduce possible conflict and will be provided with traffic information and alerting service. The pilot-in-command shall not taxi his aircraft on to the runway in use except with the permission of aerodrome control. An aircraft taxiing on the manoeuvring area shall stop and hold at all runway-holding positions unless otherwise authorized by the aerodrome control tower. Take Off And Landing The pilot-in-command shall not take-off or land without a clearance from aerodrome control. The pilot-in-command shall not run-up engine(s) on the runway in use unless authorised by aerodrome control. Engine run-ups may be carried out in the holding pan or taxiway holding point clear of the runway in use. Departing aircraft will be instructed when to change from aerodrome/approach to approach/enroute control frequency. After landing, the pilot-in-command shall vacate the runway by the shortest possible route or in accordance with instructions from aerodrome control and change to ground frequency, where available, immediately after clearing the runway. The pilot shall maintain a watch on ground frequency/frequencies for taxiing and parking instructions until the aircraft has arrived at the parking bay. Non-radio equipped aircraft shall stop after vacating the runway and watch for light signals from aerodrome control tower. Arriving Aircraft The pilot-in-command of an arriving aircraft shall contact the appropriate approach control unit 10 minutes before entering the CTR, or as instructed by enroute control. Arriving traffic will be issued with the following weather information except where ATIS is available:
Wind direction and speed;
Present weather;
Cloud base and amount;
QNH; (QFE on request); and
Any other significant meteorological information.
Note: If the aircraft reports VMC below cloud and it is apparent that it can maintain VMC, only the surface wind and appropriate pressure need be given unless a full report is requested by the pilot. Instrument Approach Instrument approaches are specified in ENR 1.5. An expected approach time will be issued on initial contact with Approach Control. Any revisions will be notified immediately to the pilot-in-command. Missed Approach In the event of a missed approach the pilot-in-command shall initiate the published missed approach procedure. Aerodrome Flight Information Service A flight information service is provided at certain notified aerodromes where no Air Traffic Control is established. This 'Service' is called 'Aerodrome Flight Information Service' and it is operated at some of the less busy aerodromes and airstrips where lack of suitably qualified staff or scarcity of movements precludes the establishment of an Aerodrome Control Service. The function of the 'Aerodrome Flight Information Service' is to provide certain vital information to pilots wishing to land. It is not an air traffic control service. Pilots will be given the information they require but will be expected to decide for themselves what action they should take. For example, they will be told the wind direction and speed but they will have to make up their own minds which runway should be used. They can however be advised of the direction of the runway nearest into wind, but this need not necessary be used. The fundamental difference between the 'Aerodrome Flight Information Service' and an Air Traffic Control Service such as Aerodrome or Approach Control Service is that in the Aerodrome Flight Information Service, no 'Control' of aircraft is exercised nor are instructions' passed to pilots. The Aerodrome Flight Information Service will operate as follows:
Provision of aerodrome weather information.
Information of the state of serviceability of the aerodrome and its facilities.
Relay of messages from or to respective FICs.
Provision of information on vehicular traffic on the manoeuvring area.
Provision of aerodrome crash and fire services and alerting of other local emergency services.
Provision of emergency aerodrome lighting.
Information of other traffic. Right-of-way The aircraft that has the right-of-way shall maintain its heading and speed, but nothing in these rules shall relieve the pilot-in-command of an aircraft from the responsibility of taking such action, including collision avoidance manoeuvres based on resolution advisories provided by ACAS equipment, as will best avert collision.
Note1 - Operating procedures for use of ACAS are contained in PANS-OPS (Doc 8168), Volume I, Part VIII, Chapter 3.
Note 2 - Carriage requirements for ACAS equipment are addressed in Annex 6, Part I, Chapter 6. An aircraft that is obliged by the following rules to keep out of the way of another shall avoid passing over, under or in front of the other, unless it passes well clear and takes into account the effect of aircraft wake turbulence. Approaching Head-on When two aircraft are approaching head-on or approximately so and there is danger of collision, each shall alter its heading to the right. Converging When two aircraft are converging at approximately the same level, the aircraft that has the other on its right shall give way, except as follows:
power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft shall give way to airships, gliders and balloons;
airships shall give way to gliders and balloons;
gliders shall give way to balloons;
power-driven aircraft shall give way to aircraft which seen to towing other aircraft or object. Overtaking An overtaking aircraft is an aircraft that approaches another from the rear on a line forming an angle of less than 70 degrees with the plane of symmetry of the latter, i.e. is in such a position with reference to the other aircraft that at night it should be unable to see either of the aircraft's left (port) or right (starboard) navigation lights. An aircraft that is being overtaken has the right-of-way and the overtaking aircraft, whether climbing, descending or in horizontal flight, shall keep out of the way of the other aircraft by altering its heading to the right, and no subsequent change in the relative positions of the two aircraft shall absolve the overtaking aircraft from this obligation until it is entirely past and clear. Special VFR Flight A Special VFR flight provides flexibility, during Instrument Meteorological Conditions or between the hours of sunset and sunrise in a control zone, to a pilot who is unable to comply with Instrument Flight Rules. Special VFR flights may be authorised to enter a control zone for the purpose of landing or take-off and depart directly from a control zone. Special VFR flights may be authorised only when the ground visibility is not less than 1500 metres. Special VFR flights must not be allowed to hinder or interfere with IFR flights and must therefore be regarded as a concession which will be granted when traffic conditions permit. IFR flights take precedence over Special VFR flights. A Special VFR clearance may be issued only when specifically requested by a pilot. Authorization for Special VFR flights will depend upon traffic conditions, the extent of the proposed flight and whether or not air/ground communications can be maintained. Special VFR flights will not normally be given a specific level to fly; they will be merely instructed to remain clear of cloud and in sight of the surface. However, if it is necessary to maintain vertical separation from other aircraft above, the Special VFR aircraft may be required to remain below a specified level. Standard separation shall be provided:
Between IFR flight and Special VFR flights.
Between flights operating on Special VFR clearance. The pilot-in-command of a Special VFR flight shall:
submit a Flight Plan or a flight notification.
comply with ATC instructions.
be responsible for ensuring that he flies within the limitation of his licence.
be responsible for ensuring that he is able to remain clear of cloud, in sight of the surface and keep clear of obstacles.
be responsible for maintaining the minimum safe altitude/low flying restrictions as prescribed in Rule 5 of the Eleventh schedule of the Civil Aviation Regulation 1996. Aircraft flying under Special VFR authorisation are subject to the general flight rules. Compliance with these rules is the responsibility of the pilot.
1.1.6 Light Aircraft Operations General Light aircraft operations will normally be conducted under VFR. Request for operations under IFR may be approved if the aircraft is suitably equipped and the pilot appropriately rated. Flight notification shall be given by telephone or by filing a Flight Plan prior to departure. Flight notification by means of RTF should be avoided. For circuits and landings or local flights in the vicinity of an aerodrome of not more than one hour's duration. The following information should be given:
Aircraft identification and type;
Flight rules;
Name of pilot;
Number of persons on board;
Flight duration;
Total endurance;
Area of flight. For flights other than those classified in para, a flight plan shall be filed. Light aircraft engaged in training or proceeding outside a CTR shall maintain two-way RTF communication. Non-radio equipped aircraft may operate at an airfield at the discretion of ATC when traffic conditions permit. The light signals specified in Appendix 'A' shall be strictly adhered to. Light aircraft intending to operate on airways shall, in addition to radio communication apparatus, be equipped with navaid equipment appropriate for the route. Non-radio equipped aircraft will be controlled by the prescribed light signal from the Tower and, in-flight, shall acknowledge by rocking the wings. Light aircraft operating in Malaysia shall be capable of maintaining VHF communication with respective ATS Units and the Aerodrome Control Unit of the destination airfield. Application for exemption from this requirement may be made to respective ACCs. Local Flying Restriction Water catchment areas are designated as national assets and therefore designated as restricted areas.Landing or low flying activity over these areas are strictly prohibited.Pilot intending to land / operate over these areas are required to obtain written approval from the relevant authorities. For local flying restriction refer to AD 2 section of the AIP.
1.1.7 Position Reports In so far as range permits, the pilot-in-command shall report position to the responsible ATC unit on the appropriate VHF RTF frequency. When outside VHF R/T range, the pilot-in-command shall report position on HF RTF. The pilot-in-command shall report position as soon as possible after the aircraft has passed each designated reporting point or 'on request' reporting point (when so required by ATC). Where no designated or 'on request' position report is required, the pilot-in-command shall report position hourly in latitude and longitude and shall report 'Operations Normal' every 30 minutes in between.
Note: Operating companies may request approval to make fixed rather than hourly reports. A position report shall comprise Section l or Section l and lll, or the AIREP form of report:
Section l (Position Report)
Aircraft identification
Name of reporting point or position
Time at reporting point or position
Flight level or altitude
Next position and time over
Ensuing significant point
Section ll (Operational Information)
Estimated time of arrival
Section lll (Meteorological Information)
Air temperature
Mean Wind or spot wind and position thereof or equivalent tail wind
Aircraft icing
Supplementary information Section ll - Operational Information of an AIREP is not required for turbine powered aircraft operations. Designated and on request reporting points for the various established routes are listed in ENR 3. Position reports which require Section lll (Meteorological Information) are detailed in GEN 3.5.
* Authorisation to land will be thereafter given as a Steady Green Light
1.1.13 ADS-C / CPDLC OPERATIONAL SERVICES WITHIN BAY OF BENGAL IN KUALA LUMPUR FIR INTRODUCTION Data link services are available to FANS 1/A compatible aircraft (which are compliant to RTCA DO- 258A or ED EUROCAE 100A) on following airways within
Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 on a 24-hour basis;
L510 The introduction of data link services does not affect current procedures for non data link equipped aircraft operating in the same airspace. BACKGROUND Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) data link applications will be used to provide services to FANS 1/A equipped aircraft, in particular over the Bay of Bengal beyond the range of existing radar and VHF voice communications. The use of CPDLC in Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 is not mandatory and conducted at the discretion of the controllers and aircrews involved. Aircrews are encouraged to use CPDLC to the maximum extent possible, as alternative communication means, also to ease the R/T frequency load. Messages will be transferred by VHF and satellite data link. CPDLC supports the following services:
Emergency alerting;
Pilot to Controller downlink of position reports and clearance requests;
Controller to Pilot uplink of ATC clearances and instructions;
Free text as a supplement to pre-formatted message elements. Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) supports automatic reporting by the aircraft Flight Management System (FMS) of aircraft position and intent information. The FMS reports the required information in accordance with parameters selected by the ground system. LOGON PROCEDURES The AFN LOGON address for the Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 is WMFCTAIRSPACE;CODE_ID;1. To avoid automatic rejection of the LOGON, the flight identification number used by the pilot in the LOGON process must be identical to the flight identification number filed in the flight plan. A LOGON must be received from the aircraft before any data link connections can be initiated by the ground system. This is achieved via the ATS facility notification (AFN) LOGON process to be initiated by the pilot. Aircraft requesting data link services inbound to Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 are required to LOGON onto WMFCTAIRSPACE;CODE_ID;1 at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated time for entering Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1. Data link equipped aircraft departing from aerodromes within the Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1 and requesting data link may LOGON to WMFC prior to departure. Pilots who are unable to establish a data link connection are to inform ATC on VHF or HF RTF. Note: Pre-Departure Clearance (PDC) via CPDLC is not available. CPDLC PROCEDURES Aircraft that have established data link communications may transmit their position reports by CPDLC instead of HF RTF.
Lumpur RadarTCALLSIGN_DETAIL;TXT_CALL_SIGN;611 frequency (133.4TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;801 MHzTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;801 / 124.525TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;1812 MHZTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;1812 / 125.775TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;1811 MHZTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;1811 ) will be used as primary back up frequency for CPDLC. Primary and secondary HF frequencies (5670TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;812 kHzTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;812 / 6556TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;813 kHzTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;813 / 11285TFREQUENCY;VAL_FREQ_TRANS;814 kHzTFREQUENCY;UOM_FREQ;814) shall continue to be backup communication for the entire airspace. To ensure the correct synchronization of messages, controller/pilot dialogues opened by CPDLC must be closed by CPDLC. Controller/pilot dialogues opened by voice must be closed by voice. Due to inherent integrity checks and a coded reference to any preceding related message contained within CPDLC messages, a clearance issued by CPDLC requires only the appropriate CPDLC response, not a read-back as would be required if the clearance had been issued by voice. The down link response “WILCO” indicates that the pilot accepts the full terms of the whole uplink message. A down link response “AFFIRM” is not an acceptable acknowledgement or reply to a CLEARANCE issued by CPDLC. To avoid ambiguity in message handling and response, a CPDLC downlink message should not contain more than one clearance request. If multiple clearance requests are contained in a single downlink message and the controller cannot approve all requests, the uplink message element “UNABLE” will be sent as a response to the entire message. A separate message containing a response to those requests that can be complied with will be sent by the controller. If any ambiguity exists as to the intent of a particular message, clarification must be sought by voice. Standard pre-formatted message elements must be used whenever possible. Free text messages should be used only when an appropriate pre-formatted message element does not exist or to supplement the pre-formatted message element. The use of free text should be kept to a minimum. When CPDLC connection is established, aircraft will be instructed to transfer from voice to CPDLC.
The phraseology used is:
MONITOR [VHF (Frequencies) ALTERNATE HF Primary/secondary (Frequencies)] Pilots should then down link a CPDLC position report. CPDLC TERMINATION CPDLC connections will be terminated at the FIR boundary position or when entering radar coverage. The CONTACT [unit name][frequency] message and the END SERVICE message will be sent as separate messages. The END SERVICE message will be sent as soon as possible after receipt of the WILCO response to the CONTACT message. In cases where the next FIR provide data link services; a Next Data Authority message will be sent out 30 minutes prior crossing the FIR boundary.Transfer of communication shall be completed at the FIR boundary. In cases where the next FIR does not have data link services, CPDLC connections willbe terminated at the FIR boundary position. ADS PROCEDURES ADS Periodic contracts will be established automatically on receipt of a LOGON. The Periodic reporting rate is as follows:
In Low Traffic Density Area (LTDA) is 300 seconds (5 minutes); and
In Medium Traffic Density Area (MTDA) is 600 seconds (10 minutes). The introduction of ADS application does not affect the current position report procedures. ADS contracts will be automatically terminated at a system parameter time after aircraft has left Kuala Lumpur FIRTAIRSPACE;TXT_NAME;1. DATA LINK FAILURE Pilots recognizing a failure of a CPDLC connection must immediately establish communications on the appropriate voice frequency. When voice communications have been established, voice must continue to be used as the primary medium until a CPDLC connection has been reestablished and the controller has authorized the return to data link. In the event of an expected CPDLC shutdown, the controller will immediately advise all data link connected aircraft of the failure by voice. Instructions will continue to be issued by voice until the return of the data link system. The return of the system to an operational state will require a new AFN LOGON from the affected aircraft. FLIGHT PLAN NOTIFICATION Aircraft planning to utilize data link communications must annotate their ICAO flight plan as follows:
Data link capability must be notified by inserting the designator “J” in Item 10 (Communication and Navigation Equipment)
The data link equipment carried must be notified in Item 18 by the use of the prefix “DAT/”; followed by one or more letters as follows:
DAT/S for satellite data link
DAT/V for VHF data link
DAT/SV for satellite and VHF data link
DAT/H for HF data link
DAT/M for SSR Mode S data link
Aircraft registration must be inserted in Item 18 as the ground system uses the information during the AFN LOGON.
Serviceable ADS equipment carried must be annotated on the flight plan by adding the letter “D” to the SSR equipment carried. PROBLEM REPORT Pilots or operators who encounter problems with data link services shall report to Air Traffic Services Division at the following address;
Air Traffic Management
Civil Aviation Authority Of Malaysia (CAAM)
Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Centre (KLATCC)
Level 1 & 2 West Wing Terminal North, Jalan CTA 3
Kuala Lumpur International Airport,
64000 KLIA, Sepang,Selangor.TPOSTAL_ADDR;TXT_ADDRESS;795
Tel: +603 - 8829 1302
Fax: +603 - 8529 1310
Email: adscpdlc@caam.gov.my
1.1.14 IMPLEMENTATION OF PERFORMANCE-BASED COMMUNICATION AND SURVEILLANCE (PBCS) INTRODUCTION PBCS is a concept that enables the management of communication and surveillance capabilities by prescription of Required Communication Performance (RCP) and Required Surveillance Performance (RSP) specifications in Future Air Navigation System (FANS 1/A) data link operations using the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C) and Controller Pilot Data-link Communications (CPDLC). Pursuant to the ICAO Provisions and amendments to Annexes 4, 6 (Parts I, II, III), 10 (Volumes II, III), 11, 15, PANS-ATM
(Doc 4444) and PANS-ABC (Doc 8400) on PBCS, including new Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) and related guidance material, Performance- Based Communication and Surveillance (PBCS) Manual (Doc 9869 2nd Edition) and Global Operational Data Link (GOLD) Manual (Doc 10037 1st Edition), are applicable from 10 November 2016. PBCS FRAMEWORK The PBCS concept provides a framework to apply RCP and RSP specifications to ensure the acceptable communication and surveillance capabilities and performance of an operational system. The main components that involve the joint participation from States, ANSPs and aircraft operators under the PBCS implementation framework consists of the following:
To prescribe RCP and RSP specifications, for aircraft operators, aircraft systems and infrastructure supporting data link operations, when applying separations predicated on such performance;
Operational approval of aircraft operators for a communication and / or surveillance capability including aircraft equipage for operations where RCP and / or RSP specifications will have to be prescribed;
Indication of an aircraft’s communication and surveillance performance capability in the form of RCP / RSP Specifications in the flight plan; and
Monitoring programmes to assess actual communication and surveillance performance against RCP and RSP specifications and to determine corrective action to report, analyse and resolve problems. OPERATOR AND AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS Operator should continue to use CPDLC and ADS−C in accordance with policies established by the State of Registry or State of the Operator. Operator obtaining approval in accordance with National regulations (State of the Operator or State of Registry) should ensure that the procedures, system and services in operations and maintenance programs meet the allocated criteria interoperability standards and RCP / RSP specifications. Establish the necessary training and qualification programs for flight crews and flight operations officers / dispatchers in preparation for PBCS implementation that is consistent with ICAO Annex 1 and Annex 6. Initial compliance to the PBCS requirements would be beneficial to establish the confidence that Air Traffic Management (ATM) operations could be provided only to eligible aircraft. The PBCS concept will enhance the safety on Performance-Based reduced horizontal separation minima application using data link in Air Traffic Service (ATS) operations. SEPARATION MINIMA A Performance-Based Longitudinal Separation minima of 50NM may be applied between RNP10 approved aircraft on ATS routes N571, P574, P627, L645, P628 and L510 which either LOGON to CPDLC or are within VHF radio range as the primary means of communication. RCP240 and RSP180 performance specifications shall be required for the application of the Performance-Based Longitudinal Separation minima in Para 4.1 which is in accordance with PANS-ATM (Doc 4444) paragraph Otherwise, longitudinal separation of 10 minutes between RNAV equipped aircraft applying Mach Number Technique (MNT) separation minima may be applied between aircraft in situation where RCP240 / RSP180 performance requirement could not be complied. FLIGHT PLAN REQUIREMENTS Existing requirement for aircraft using data link communications to annotate in their ICAO flight plan according to AIP Malaysia page ENR paragraph remain unchanged. Operators conducting flights in airspace where separations are dependent on PBCS should start using RCP / RSP indicators in the flight plan and to adhere to the provisions stated in Appendix 2 of PANS-ATM (Doc 4444). Aircraft planning to utilise PBCS operation within the designated area stipulated in this AIP Supplement must annotate in their ICAO flight plan as follows:
In Item 10a of the flight plan, the operator should insert one or more of the CPDLC equipment and capabilities descriptors, as appropriate, listed in Table 1 to identify an aircraft’s data link equipment and capabilities:
CPDLC Equipment and Capabilities | Descriptor |
CPDLC ATN VDL Mode 2 (ATN B1) | J1 |
CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode 0/A | J3 |
CPDLC FANS 1/A VDL Mode 2 | J4 |
CPDLC FANS 1/A SATCOM (Iridium) | J7 |
Table 1: CPDLC equipment and capabilities descriptor
In Item 10a of the flight plan also, the aircraft operator should insert one or more descriptors, as appropriate, listed in Table 2, to identify an aircraft’s RCP capability:
Aircraft’s RCP capability | Descriptor |
CPDLC RCP 400 | P1 |
CPDLC RCP 240 | P2 |
Table 2: Aircraft’ s RCP capability descriptor
In Item 10b of the flight plan, the operator should insert one or more of the ADS-C equipment and capabilities descriptors, as appropriate, listed in Table 3 to identify an aircraft’s data link equipment and capabilities:
ADS-C equipment and capabilities | Descriptor |
ADS-C with FANS 1/A capabilities | D1 |
ADS-C with ATN capabilities | G1 |
Table 3: ADS-C equipment and capabilities descriptor
In Item 18 of the flight plan, the aircraft operator should file the RSP capability by inserting the indicator SUR/ followed by the appropriate designator, WITH NO SPACES, for the RSP specification (e.g. SUR/RSP400 or SUR/RSP180).
In Item 18 of the flight plan also, the operator should insert the following other information relevant to CPDLC and
ADS-C equipment and capabilities:
the indicator REG/ followed by the aircraft registration, WITH NO SPACES; and
the indicator CODE/ followed by the aircraft address, WITH NO SPACES expressed in the form of an alphanumerical code of six hexadecimal characters Guidance material on the application of performance-based communication and performance based surveillance, which prescribes RCP / RSP to an air traffic service in a specific area, is contained in the Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance (PBCS) Manual (Doc 9869 2nd Edition).
1.1.15 AUTOMATIC DEPENDANT SURVEILLANCE – BROADCAST (ADS-B) OUT SERVICE IN OCEANIC AIRSPACE OF KUALA LUMPUR FLIGHT INFORMATION REGION. INTRODUCTION ADS-B is an acronym for Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast. An ADS-B capable aircraft uses GPS receiver to derive its precise position from GNSS constellation and then combines its identity, velocity and other information to broadcast to ADS-B ground stations which receives and distribute the data to ATS automation systems. The ADS-B transmission on 1090 MHz Extended Squitter data link will be used ultimately for the provision of Air Traffic Services. The ADS-B OUT implementation is aimed to extend the ATC surveillance for Category R and Category S en-route airspace not covered by conventional surveillance services and to provide redundancy where radar surveillance is already available. Three ADS-B ground stations are currently in operation in Kuala Lumpur FIR namely Kuala Terengganu, Pulau Langkawi and Genting Highland. ADS-B BASED SURVEILLANCE AIRSPACE The ADS-B Out surveillance services for ATS routes in Oceanic Airspace of Kuala Lumpur Flight Information Region (FIR) will involve the portion of airspace bounded by coordinates from 071500N 0983000E to 100000N 0963000E to 100000N 0942500E to 060000N 0942500E to 060000N 0973000E and thence along a straight line to point 071500N 0983000E. It encompasses the ATS routes of N571, P628, L510, P627, L645 and P574 from FL 290 or above (See page ENR 1.1-26 – hatched area). AIRCRAFT EQUIPAGE APPROVAL ADS-B transmitting equipment is defined as that has been certified as meeting:
European Aviation Safety Agency - Certification Considerations for the Enhanced ATS in Non-Radar Areas using ADS-B Surveillance (ADS-B-NRA) Application via 1090MHz Extended Squitter (AMC 20-24); or
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) - Certification Specifications and Acceptable Means of Compliance for Airborne Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CS-ACNS (Subpart D - Surveillance - SUR); or
Federal Aviation Administration - Advisory Circular No: 20-165A (or later versions) Airworthiness Approval of Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Systems; or
The equipment configuration standards in Appendix XI of Civil Aviation Order 20.18 of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia. Aircraft that does not comply with the requirements stipulated in paragraph will not be accorded priority in the delineated airspace and flight level assignments will be on opportunity basis subject to air traffic conditions If an aircraft carries ADS-B transmitting equipment but does not comply with the requirements stipulated in paragraph, the aircraft must not fly in the delineated airspace unless the equipment is:
deactivated; or
Set to transmit only a value of ‘zero’ for the Navigation Uncertainty Category for Position (NUCp), Navigation Integrity Category (NIC), Navigation Accuracy Category for Position (NACp) and Source Integrity Limit (SIL).
All aircraft meeting certification standards as specified in para above must be RTCA DO-260, DO-260A or DO-260B compliant.
The requirement is met if the ADS-B OUT Transmission equipment has a cockpit control that enables the pilot to turn the ADS-B transmissions on and off without disabling the ATC transponder.
Deactivation of the ADS-B transmissions must not affect the continued operation of the Mode S transponder responses to interrogations.
It is considered equivalent to deactivation if one or more of the position quality indicators NUCp, NIC, NACp or SIL is set to continually transmit only a value of ‘zero’. FLIGHT PLANNING REQUIREMENTS An appropriate ADS-B designator shall be entered in item 10 of the ICAO flight plan:
B1 ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz ADS-B “out “capability, or
B2 ADS-B with dedicated 1090 MHz ADS-B “out “and “in” capability
E – Transponder — Mode S, including aircraft identification, pressure altitude and extended squitter (ADS-B) capability, OR
L – Transponder — Mode S, including aircraft identification, pressure altitude extended squitter (ADS-B) and enhanced surveillance capability, The aircraft address (24 Bit Code) in hexadecimal format must be entered in item 18 of ICAO flight plan as per the following example:
CODE/751234 The Aircraft Identification (ACID), not exceeding 7 characters must be accurately indicated in item 7 of ICAO flight plan and replicated exactly when set in the aircraft avionics for transmission as Flight ID as follows:
The three-letter ICAO designator of the aircraft operator followed by flight identification number (e.g. MAS123, BAW123) when in radiotelephony the callsign used consists of the associated ICAO telephony designator for the aircraft operator followed by the flight number (e.g. MALAYSIAN ONE TWO THREE, SPEEDBIRD ONE TWO THREE)
The aircraft registration (e.g., 9MDCA, VHSBM) when the radiotelephony callsign consists of the aircraft registration.
Note: ACID entered should not have any leading zeros unless it is part of the flight number as indicated in Item 7 of the ICAO flight plan. Hyphens, dashes, or spaces are NOT to be used. IN FLIGHT CONTINGENCY If the pilot in command detects failure of on-board ADS-B equipment, he shall immediately inform ATC for appropriate clearances/instructions to ensure essential separation with other flights operating in the delineated airspace. PHRASEOLOGY STANDARD Phraseology as mentioned in PANS ATM, Doc 4444 shall be applied for ATC-Pilot communication.
No | Circumstances | Phraseologies |
1 | To request the capability of the ADS-B equipment | a) ADVISE ADS-B CAPABILITY *b) ADS-B TRANSMITTER (data link) *c) ADS-B RECEIVER (data link) *d) NEGATIVE ADS-B *Denotes pilot transmission |
2 | To request reselection of aircraft identification | RE-ENTER ADS-B AIRSPACE IDENTIFICATION |
3 | To request the operation of the IDENT feature | TRANSMIT ADS-B IDENT |
4 | To request transmission of pressure- altitude | TRANSMIT ADS-B ALTITUDE |
5 | To request termination of transponder and / or ADS-B transmitter operation | a) STOP SQUAWK [TRANSMIT ADS-B ONLY] b) STOP ADS-B TRANSMISSION [SQUAWK (code) ONLY] |
6 | To request termination of pressure- altitude transmission because of faulty operation | STOP ADS-B ALTITUDE TRANSMISSION [WRONG INDICATION, or reason] |
8 | To inform an aircraft that its ADS-B transmitter appears to be inoperative or malfunctioning | ADS-B TRANSMITTER APPEARS TO BE INOPERATIVE / MALFUNCTION |
9 | ATS ADS-B surveillance system ground equipment unserviceability | ADS-B OUT OF SERVICE (Appropriate information as necessary) |