ContactPost: CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF MALAYSIA Tel: 6-03-8529 1318 Fax: 6-03-8529 1310 AFS: WMKKYAYS Email: URL: | AIC for Malaysia![]() | AIC 05/2024 Effective from 11 JUL 2024 to UFN Published on 11 JUL 2024 |
Within the CAAM units and agencies with access to Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN), the proposal shall be submitted via AFTN to WMKKYNYM and WMKKYNYN and shall use the ‘P’ series as the NOTAM proposal references.
(e.g. P0001/24)
For Agencies without access to the AFTN, the proposal shall be emailed to and shall use the agency’s reference number. (e.g. CAAM.BLPNU.800-1/4/15 (14))
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A NOTAM shall be originated and issued concerning the following information:
Establishment, closure or significant changes in operation of aerodrome(s) or heliport(s) or runways;
Establishment, withdrawal or significant changes in operation of aeronautical services (aerodromes, AIS, ATS, communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS), meteorology (MET), search and rescue (SAR), etc.);
Establishment, withdrawal or significant changes in operational capability of radio navigation and air-ground communication services. This includes: interruption or return to operation, change of frequencies, change in notified hours of service, change of identification, change of orientation (directional aids), change of location, power increase or decrease amounting to 50 per cent or more, change in broadcast schedules or contents, or irregularity or unreliability of operation of any radio navigation and air-ground communication services or limitations of relay stations including operational impact, affected service, frequency and area;
Unavailability of back-up and secondary systems, having a direct operational impact;
Establishment, withdrawal or significant changes to visual aids;
Interruption of or return to operation of major components of aerodrome lighting systems;
Establishment, withdrawal or significant changes to procedures for air navigation services;
Occurrence or correction of major defects or impediments in the manoeuvring area;
Changes to and limitations on availability of fuel, oil and oxygen;
Major changes to search and rescue facilities and services available;
Establishment, withdrawal or return to operation of hazard beacons marking obstacles to air navigation;
Changes in regulations requiring immediate action, e.g. Prohibited areas for SAR action;
Presence of hazards which affect air navigation (including obstacles, military exercises, displays, fireworks, sky lanterns, rocket debris, races and major parachuting events outside promulgated sites);
Planned laser emissions, laser displays and search lights if pilots’ night vision is likely to be impaired;
Erecting or removal of, or changes to, obstacles to air navigation in the take-off/climb, missed approach, approach areas and runway strip;
Establishment or discontinuance (including activation or deactivation) as applicable, or changes in the status of prohibited, restricted or danger areas;
Establishment or discontinuance of areas or routes or portions thereof where the possibility of interception exists and where the maintenance of guard on the vhf emergency frequency 121.5 MHz is required;
Allocation, cancellation or change of location indicators;
Changes in aerodrome/heliport rescue and firefighting category provided (see CAD 14, volume i, chapter 9, and attachment a, section 17);
Presence or removal of, or significant changes in, hazardous conditions due to snow, slush, ice, radioactive material, toxic chemicals, volcanic ash deposition or water on the movement area;
Outbreaks of epidemics necessitating changes in notified requirements for inoculations and quarantine measures;
Observations or forecasts of space weather phenomena, the date and time of their occurrence, the flight levels where provided and portions of the airspace which may be affected by the phenomena;
An operationally significant change in volcanic activity, the location, date and time of volcanic Eruptions and/or horizontal and vertical extent of volcanic ash cloud, including direction of movement, flight levels and routes or portions of routes which could be affected;
Release into the atmosphere of radioactive materials or toxic chemicals following a nuclear or chemical incident, the location, date and time of the incident, the flight levels and routes or portions thereof which could be affected and the direction of movement;
Establishment of operations of humanitarian relief missions, such as those undertaken under the auspices of the United Nations, together with procedures and/or limitations which affect air navigation; and
Implementation of short-term contingency measures in cases of disruption, or partial disruption, of ATS and related supporting services.
The following information shall not be notified by NOTAM:
Routine maintenance work on aprons and taxiways which does not affect the safe movement of aircraft;
Runway marking work, when aircraft operations can safely be conducted on other available runways, or the equipment used ca n be removed when necessary;
Temporary obstructions in the vicinity of aerodromes/heliports that do not affect the safe operation of aircraft;
Partial failure of aerodrome/heliport lighting facilities where such failure does not directly affect aircraft operations;
Partial temporary failure of air-ground communications when suitable alternative frequencies are known to be available and are operative;
The lack of apron marshalling services and road traffic control;
The unserviceability of location, destination or other instruction signs on the aerodrome movement area;
Parachuting when in uncontrolled airspace under VFR (see m)), when controlled, at promulgated sites or within danger or prohibited areas;
Training activities by ground units;
Unavailability of back-up and secondary systems if these do not have an operational impact;
Limitations to airport facilities or general services with no operational impact;
National regulations not affecting general aviation;
Announcement or warnings about possible/potential limitations, without any operational impact;
General reminders on already published information;
Availability of equipment for ground units without containing information on the operational impact for airspace and facility users;
Information about laser emissions without any operational impact and fireworks below minimum flying heights;
Closure of movement area parts in connection with planned work locally coordinated of duration of less than one hour;
Closure or unavailability of, or changes in, operation of aerodrome(s)/heliport(s) outside the aerodrome(s)/heliport(s) operational hours; and
Other non-operational information of a similar temporary nature.
Note: - Information which relates to an aerodrome and its vicinity and does not affect its operational status may be distributed locally during pre-flight or inflight briefing or other local contact with flight crews.
Instructions for the completion of the NOTAM format.
Note 1. - This appendix shall read together with Doc 8126, Chapter 6 – NOTAM
Note 2 - For NOTAM examples see the Aeronautical Information Services Manual (ICAO Doc 8126) and the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400).
The qualifier line (Item Q)) and all identifiers (Items A) to G) inclusive) each followed by a closing parenthesis, as shown in the format, shall be transmitted unless there is no entry to be made against a particular identifier.
Each NOTAM shall be allocated a series identified by a letter and a four-digit number followed by a stroke and a two-digit number for the year (e.g. A0023/03). Each series shall start on 1 January with number 0001.
Item Q) is divided into eight fields, each separated by a stroke. An entry shall be made in each field. Examples of how fields are to be filled are shown in the Aeronautical Information Services Manual (ICAO Doc 8126). The definition of the fields is as follows:
If the subject of the information is located geographically within one FIR, the ICAO location indicator shall be that of the FIR concerned. When an aerodrome is situated within the overlying FIR of another State, the first field of Item Q) shall contain the code for that overlying FIR (e.g. Q) LFRR/…A) EGJJ);
if the subject of the information is located geographically within more than one FIR, the FIR field shall be composed of the ICAO nationality letters of the State originating the NOTAM followed by “XX”. (The location indicator of the overlying UIR shall not be used). The ICAO location indicators of the FIRs concerned shall then be listed in Item A) or indicator of State or non-governmental agency which is responsible for provision of a navigation service in more than one State.
If one State issues a NOTAM affecting FIRs in a group of States, the first two letters of the ICAO location indicator of the issuing State plus “XX” shall be included. The location indicators of the FIRs concerned shall then be listed in Item A) or indicator of State or non-governmental agency which is responsible for provision of a navigation service in more than one State.
All NOTAM Code groups contain a total of five letters and the first letter is always the letter Q. The second and third letters identify the subject, and the fourth and fifth letters denote the status or condition of the subject reported upon. The two-letter codes for subjects and conditions are those contained in the PANS-ABC (ICAO Doc 8400). For combinations of second and third, and fourth and fifth letters, refer to the NOTAM Selection Criteria contained in Doc 8126 or insert one of the following combinations, as appropriate:
If the subject is not listed in the NOTAM Code (PANS-ABC, Doc 8400) or in the NOTAM Selection Criteria (ICAO Doc 8126), insert “XX” as the second and third letters; If subject is “XX”, use “XX” also for condition (e.g. QXXXX).
If the condition of the subject is not listed in the NOTAM Code (ICAO Doc 8400) or in the NOTAM Selection Criteria (ICAO Doc 8126), insert “XX” as the fourth and fifth letters (e.g. QFAXX);
When a NOTAM containing operationally significant information is issued in accordance with CAD15, 6.2.1, and when it is used to announce the existence of AIRAC AIP Amendments or Supplements, insert “TT” as the fourth and fifth letters of the NOTAM Code;
When a NOTAM is issued containing a checklist of valid NOTAM, insert “KKKK” as the second, third, fourth and fifth letters; and
The following fourth and fifth letters of the NOTAM Code shall be used in NOTAM cancellations
Note 1. - As Q - - AO = Operational is used for NOTAM cancellation, NOTAM promulgating new equipment or services use the following fourth and fifth letters Q - - CS = Installed.
Note 2. - Q - - CN = CANCELLED shall be used to cancel planned activities, e.g. navigation warnings; Q - - HV = WORK COMPLETED is used to cancel work in progress.
K = NOTAM is a checklist
Note 1. - Depending on the NOTAM subject and content, the qualifier field TRAFFIC may contain combined qualifiers. Guidance concerning the combination of TRAFFIC qualifiers with subject and conditions in accordance with the NOTAM Selection Criteria is contained in Doc 8126.
N = NOTAM selected for the immediate attention of flight crew members
B = NOTAM of operational significance selected for PIB entry
O = NOTAM concerning flight operations
M = Miscellaneous NOTAM; not subject for a briefing, but available on request
O = K = NOTAM is a checklist
Note. - Depending on the NOTAM subject and content, the qualifier field TRAFFIC may contain combined qualifiers. Guidance concerning the combination of TRAFFIC qualifiers with subject and conditions in accordance with the NOTAM Selection Criteria is contained in Doc 8126.
A = Aerodrome
E = En-route
W = Nav Warning
K = NOTAM is a checklist
Note. - Depending on the NOTAM subject and content, the qualifier field PURPOSE may contain the combined qualifiers BO or NBO. Guidance concerning the combination of PURPOSE qualifiers with subject and conditions in accordance with the NOTAM Selection Criteria is contained in Doc8126.
Lower and upper limits shall only be expressed in flight levels (FL) and shall express the actual vertical limits of the area of influence without the addition of buffers. In the case of navigation warnings and airspace restrictions, values entered shall be consistent with those provided under Items F) and G). If the subject does not contain specific height information, insert “000” for LOWER and “999” for UPPER as default values.
The latitude and longitude accurate to one minute, as well as a three-digit distance figure giving the radius of influence in NM (e.g. 4700N01140E043). Coordinates present approximate centre of circle whose radius encompasses the whole area of influence, and if the NOTAM affects the entire FIR/UIR or more than one FIR/UIR, enter the default value “999” for radius
Insert the ICAO location indicator as contained in Doc 7910 of the aerodrome or FIR in which the facility, airspace, or condition being reported on is located. More than one FIR/UIR may be indicated when appropriate. If there is no available ICAO location indicator, use the ICAO nationality letter as given in ICAO Doc 7910, Part 2, plus “XX” and followed up in Item E) by the name, in plain language. If information concerns GNSS, insert the appropriate ICAO location indicator allocated for a GNSS element or the common location indicator allocated for all elements of GNSS (except GBAS).
Note. - In the case of GNSS, the location indicator may be used when identifying a GNSS element outage (e.g. KNMH for a GPS satellite outage).
For date-time group use a ten-figure group, giving year, month, day, hours and minutes in UTC. This entry is the date-time at which the NOTAMN comes into force. In the cases of NOTAMR and NOTAMC, the date-time group is the actual date and time of the NOTAM origination. The start of a day shall be indicated by “0000”.
With the exception of NOTAMC, a date-time group (a ten-figure group giving year, month, day, hours and minutes in UTC) indicating duration of information shall be used unless the information is of a permanent nature in which case the abbreviation “PERM” is inserted instead. The end of a day shall be indicated by “2359” (i.e. do not use “2400”). If the information on timing is uncertain, the approximate duration shall be indicated using a date-time group followed by the abbreviation “EST”. Any NOTAM which includes an “EST” shall be cancelled or replaced before the date-time specified in Item C).
If the hazard, status of operation or condition of facilities being reported on will be active in accordance with a specific time and date schedule between the dates-times indicated in Items B) and C), insert such information under Item D). If Item D) exceeds 200 characters, consideration shall be given to providing such information in a separate, consecutive NOTAM.
Note. - Guidance concerning a harmonised definition of Item D) content is provided in Doc 8126.
If the hazard, status of operation or condition of facilities being reported on will be active in accordance with a specific time and date schedule between the dates-times indicated in Items B) and C), insert such information under Item D). If Item D) exceeds 200 characters, consideration shall be given to providing such information in a separate, consecutive NOTAM.
Note. - Guidance concerning a harmonised definition of Item D) content is provided in Doc 8126.
These items are normally applicable to navigation warnings or airspace restrictions and are usually part of the PIB entry. Insert both lower and upper height limits of activities or restrictions, clearly indicating only one reference datum and unit of measurement. The abbreviations GND or SFC shall be used in Item F) to designate ground and surface respectively. The abbreviation UNL shall be used in Item G) to designate unlimited.