ContactPost: AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES Tel: 6-03-8871 4000 Fax: 6-03-8881 0530 AFS: WMKKYAYS Email: URL: | AIC for Malaysia![]() | AIC 02/2012 Effective from 06 JUN 2012 to PERM Published on 06 JUN 2012 |
When implemented, visual departure shall be applied under the following conditions:
the meteorological conditions in the direction of take-off and the following climb-out shall not impair the procedure up to minimum sector altitude (MSA) or surveillance minimum altitude (SMA) when radar services are provided. ATC shall issue an initial altitude clearance that is above the MSA or SMA
the procedure shall be applied during the daytime;
the pilot shall be responsible for maintaining obstacle clearance until passing the MSA or SMA; and
separation shall be provided between an aircraft cleared to execute a visual departure and other departing and arriving aircraft.
ATC | Pilot (if able to accept) | Pilot (if unable to accept) |
Expect visual departure | Expecting visual departure | Unable |
Pilot | ATC | ATC (if the unit is unable to approve) |
Request visualdeparture | Expect visualdeparture | Unable to approve on this frequency, request again when in contact with (unit) |
When clearance is issued prior to start up/push back
ATC: “(callsign) cleared to (destination) (SID) (altitude) (transponder code) expect visual departure”
Pilot: “(callsign) cleared to (destination) (SID) (altitude) (transponder code) expecting visual departure/unable”
At the holding point/upon lining up
if the intention is to track the aircraft to a point where the SID terminates or a point beyond
ATC: “(callsign) cancel SID, visual departure, direct (waypoint) climb to (altitude), (runway) [if applicable] cleared for take off”
if the intention is to track the aircraft to a point along the SID
ATC: “(callsign) visual departure, direct (waypoint) climb to (altitude), (runway) [if applicable] cleared for take off”
if the intention is to keep the aircraft on a specific heading due traffic (see note 1)
ATC: “(callsign) visual departure, fly/turn left or right heading (xxx) climb to (altitude), (runway) [if applicable] cleared for take off”
if the Tower ATC is unable to approve pilot’s request for visual departure (see note 2)
ATC: “(callsign) unable to approve on this frequency, make your request when in contact with (ATC unit), (runway) [if applicable] cleared for take off”
After the aircraft is airborne
Pilot: “(ATC unit) (callsign) visual departure (direct waypoint, left/right heading xxx) leaving (altitude)........ climbing (altitude)........”
Pilot: “(ATC unit) “(callsign) KIMAT ALPHA departure, leaving (altitude) climbing to....... (altitude) request visual departure.”
Note 1: If the heading is unacceptable, pilot shall advise ATC and, if possible, suggest a heading that is acceptable.
Note 2: At some ATC units, Approach and Aerodrome Control units are not co – located. To reduce co-ordination, Aerodrome Control may restrict the departure on the SID or Standard Radar Departure. After airborne and in contact with the Approach Control, a visual departure request may be made again by the pilot.
Director General
Department of Civil Aviation