1.1 This AIC is issued in the exercise of the powers conferred under Section 24O of the Civil Aviation Act 1969
1.2 Pursuant to ICAO Annex 1 Chapter 1 paragraph and, effective from the issuance of this AIC, personnel whose licences issued for aeroplane and helicopter pilots and flight engineers who are required to use the radio telephony aboard an aircraft, or air traffic controllers and aeronautical station operators shall demonstrate the ability to speak and understand the English language for radiotelephony communications.
1.3 Pursuant to ICAO Annex 1 Chapter 1 paragraph, personnel whose licences issued or remain valid after 5th March 2008 shall comply with the Language Proficiency requirements.
1.4 Pursuant to ICAO Annex 6 Chapter 3 paragraph 3.1.6, operators shall ensure that flight crew members demonstrate the ability to speak and understand the English language used for aeronautical radiotelephony communications as specified in Annex 1.
1.5 This AIC sets forth the means complying with of such requirements, in a manner that would be acceptable to DCA.
3.1 With effect from 5th March 2008, aeroplane and helicopter pilots, air traffic controllers and aeronautical station operators shall demonstrate the ability to speak and understand the language used for radiotelephony communications to the level specified in the Language Proficiency requirements.
3.2 The language proficiency of aeroplane and helicopter pilots, air traffic controllers and aeronautical station operators shall be formally evaluated at intervals in accordance with an individual's demonstrated proficiency level, as follows:
3.2.1 Those demonstrating language proficiency at the Operational Level (Level 4) shall be evaluated at intervals not greater than 3 years;
3.2.2 Those demonstrating language proficiency at the Extended Level (Level 5) shall be evaluated at intervals not greater than 6 years; and
3.2.3 Those demonstrating language proficiency at the Expert Level (Level 6) will be exempted from further language evaluation.
3.3 Holistic descriptors
Proficient speakers shall:
3.3.1 Communicate effectively in voice-only (telephone/radiotelephone) and in face to-face situations;
3.3.2 Communicate on common, concrete and work-related topics with accuracy and clarity;
3.3.3 Use appropriate communicative strategies to exchange messages and to recognize and resolve misunderstandings (e.g. to check, confirm, or clarify information) in a general or work-related context;
3.3.4 Handle successfully and with relative ease the linguistic challenges presented by a complication or unexpected turn of events that occurs within the context of a routine work situation or communicative task with which they are otherwise familiar; and
3.3.5 Use a dialect or accent which is intelligible to the aeronautical community.
3.4 Rating scale:
3.4.1 Pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation are influenced by the first language or regional variation but occasionally interfere with understanding.
3.4.2 Structure: Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are used creatively and are usually well controlled. Errors may occur, particularly in unusual or unexpected circumstances, but rarely interfere with meaning.
3.4.3 Vocabulary range and accuracy are usually sufficient to communicate effectively on common, concrete, and work related topics. Able paraphrase successfully when lack of vocabulary in unusual or unexpected circumstances.
3.4.4 Fluency: Produces stretches of language at an appropriate tempo. There may be occasional loss of fluency on transition from rehearsed or formulaic speech to spontaneous interaction, but this does not prevent effective communication. Able to make limited use of discourse markers or connectors. Fillers are not distracting.
3.4.5 Comprehension is mostly accurate on common, concrete, and work related topics when the accent or variety used is sufficiently intelligible for an international community of users. When the speaker is confronted with a linguistic or situational complication or an unexpected turn of events, comprehension may be slower or requires clarification strategies.
3.4.6 Interactions: Responses are usually immediate, appropriate and informative. Initiates and maintains exchanges even when dealing with an unexpected turn of events. Deals adequately with apparent misunderstandings by checking, confirming or clarifying.